Coral Kids Dentistry & Braces

Are Teething Rings Safe?

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralkids @ 5:11 pm
a child using a teething ring

Teething is something that all of us endure during our infancy, and for many of us, it’s quite an uncomfortable ordeal! And if your little one’s first set of pearly whites is beginning to emerge, the associated discomfort they’re feeling might be tugging at your heartstrings! Fortunately, teething rings are one of the best solutions for alleviating this discomfort and ensuring that your child can comfortably make it through this process. Here’s more from your pediatric dentist about teething rings and some ways you can safely use them to assist your little one with teething.


6 Tips to Help Your Child Have More Fun with Their Dental Care!

April 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralkids @ 5:55 am
a father and daughter having fun while brushing their teeth

While your priorities as a parent are keeping your little one safe and healthy, their top goal is to have a lot of fun! This bridge can be gapped by making everyday activities that are essential to their well-being, such as brushing and flossing, more engaging for them. By bringing fun to their oral health routine, you are sure to encourage consistent dental care that will build long-term habits. This will ensure a healthy and beautiful smile for a lifetime! Read on to learn six ways to bring joy to your child’s oral health care practice.


Will Nitrous Oxide Sedation Put Your Child to Sleep?

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralkids @ 12:50 pm
Little girl about to receive nitrous oxide sedation

Children who are nervous or afraid whenever they step foot into a dental office can often benefit from nitrous oxide sedation. It’s a simple way to make dental appointments less stressful for both you and your little one! But you might not be entirely sure what to expect from nitrous oxide. Will it put your child to sleep during their treatment? Here’s what you need to know as a parent before agreeing to this sedation option.


4 Tips for Optimal Healing for Your Child’s Tooth Extraction

January 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralkids @ 12:04 pm
a child receiving help from their dentist during a tooth extraction

You want your child’s smile to be healthy for their entire childhood. Unfortunately, sometimes a dental issue arises, no matter how much you do to protect their pearly whites. Whether it’s due to tooth decay, trauma, gum disease, or a requirement for orthodontic treatment, sometimes children have to get a tooth extracted. But no worries! It is not an uncommon occurrence and there are things you can do to make it as smooth as possible. Read on for four helpful tips from your dentist.


Saving Space with Paediatric Space Maintainers

July 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralkids @ 2:59 pm

Sometimes situations arise that require a tooth to be extracted earlier than what was intended. When this happens, it is our job as your trusted child’s dentist to preserve the space for the permanent tooth. Space maintainers are frequently used in paediatric dentistry to allow permanent teeth the time and space they require to grow without resulting in the surrounding teeth from shifting.


Stainless Steel Dental Crowns for Kids – What You Need to Know

Filed under: Uncategorized — coralkids @ 2:54 pm

Did you know that the first modern day dental crown was introduced in 1903 by Dr. Charles Land? It was an all-porcelain jacket crown, which was an invention he had patented in 1889.

Throughout centuries dental crowns have been created with many different types of materials from gold, ivory, bone and even human teeth. Fast forward to the 21st century, and dentists all over the world are still using dental crowns to protect our teeth; however, the materials we use have come a long way, to say the least.

Did you know that the first modern day dental crown was introduced in 1903 by Dr. Charles Land? It was an all-porcelain jacket crown, which was an invention he had patented in 1889.

Throughout centuries dental crowns have been created with many different types of materials from gold, ivory, bone and even human teeth. Fast forward to the 21st century, and dentists all over the world are still using dental crowns to protect our teeth; however, the materials we use have come a long way, to say the least.

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